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Möchten Sie auch erfahren wie man schnell und leicht Geld für die Familie dazuverdienen kann, ohne dabei die eigenen vier Wände zu verlassen? - Versprochen!
“Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie so viel Geld verdienen wie Sie wollen und dies nur mit einem Internetanschluss, etwas freier Zeit und einer Meinung!”
Das ist der perfekte Job! Arbeiten Sie von Zuhause aus und teilen Sie Ihre Arbeitsstunden selbst ein. Sie haben das Sagen!
Wie gefällt Ihnen die Vorstellung, von Zuhause aus an Online-Umfragen oder an Testgruppen teilzunehmen und Ende Monat einen großzügigen Gehaltscheck zu erhalten? Ja, das können Sie wirklich. Wenn Sie noch heute beginnen, erhalten Sie den ersten Gehaltscheck bereits in der nächsten Woche.
Haben Sie soeben Ihre Arbeit verloren und müssen finanziell unten durch? Würde Ihnen monatlich etwas Zusatzgeld helfen? Dann ist dies eine großartige Möglichkeit, etwas Geld dazuzuverdienen, ohne dazu die eigenen vier Wände verlassen zu müssen.

Sie können arbeiten, wann immer Sie es wünschen. Morgens, nachmittags, nachts oder sogar um Mitternacht, einfach wann immer Sie möchten, es spielt keine Rolle. Sie brauchen sich nur einzuloggen, die Umfragen an denen Sie teilnehmen möchten auszuwählen und Sie werden für Ihre Zeit bezahlt. Arbeiten Sie für 30 Minuten oder drei Stunden, es steht Ihnen frei, Sie teilen sich Ihre Arbeitsstunden selbst ein.

Das ist die Gelegenheit für Vollzeitmütter, Studenten, jemanden, der einfach keine Zeit hat zu einem Halbtagsjob zu pendeln oder für diejenigen, welche im Pyjama von Zuhause aus arbeiten möchten.
Das ist ein wahrer Traumjob! Es gibt keine faulen Tricks, keinen Haken. Arbeiten Sie von Zuhause aus, wann immer Sie wollen.
Das ist kein "Werden Sie schnell reich System“. Sie werden nicht Millionär werden, wenn Sie an Online-Umfragen teilnehmen, aber Sie können leicht einige hundert oder gar einige tausend Dollar monatlich dazuverdienen.
Sie fragen sich, warum jemand für Ihre Meinung bezahlen würde? Nun, das ist einfach. Unternehmen, welche Produkte herstellen und verkaufen wollen wissen, was Verbraucher denken. Wie sie denken. Was sie mögen und was nicht. Die Unternehmen geben Millionen für Produktforschungen aus, bevor sie diese auf dem Markt zulassen. Sie sind also bereit für Ihre Zeit zu bezahlen. Dieser Vorgang nennt sich Marktforschung und ich bin mir sicher, einige von Ihnen haben bereits davon gehört. Wussten Sie, dass Filmunternehmen Menschen dafür bezahlen, sich Filme anzusehen? Sie lassen die Zuschauer diverse Filmversionen, Filmausschnitte und Filmendungen ansehen und fragen nach deren Meinungen um schlussendlich bestimmen zu können, was der größte Kassenschlager werden könnte. Wie gesagt, diese Leute werden natürlich bezahlt und das ist exakt genau das, was Sie tun werden; Ihre Meinung abgeben um so Unternehmen den besten Weg zu zeigen, Produkte zu vermarkten und zu verkaufen. Das Beste daran, Ihre Meinung ist Geld wert!
Früher mussten die Menschen direkt in die Unternehmen gehen, sitzen und warten, Formulare ausfüllen, Produkte testen und noch mehr Formulare ausfüllen. Dies war sehr zeitraubend und umständlich, zumal diese Personen nebenbei auch noch andere Dinge zu erledigen hatten. Die Zeiten haben sich geändert! Das Internet ermöglicht den Unternehmen nun, die Informationen direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause zu senden.
Teilnehmer unserer Datenbank berichten regelmäßig von ihren Erfolgen. Vielleicht bald auch Sie?
"Ich möchte Ihnen zu Ihrer Starthilfe und zum ganzen Konzept gratulieren. Ich habe den Betrag für mein Umfragen-Paket vor einem Jahr bezahlt und das Paket auch kurz darauf bekommen. Von den Firmen erhalte ich jeden Tag neue Umfragen zugemailt. Ich habe mir mit Hilfe dieser Umfragen und Ihrer zusätzlichen Verdienst-Beispiele ein monatliches Einkommen von ungefähr 1600 EUR gesichert. Mal etwas weniger, mal etwas mehr. Und das nachdem ich vier Jahre arbeitslos war! Vielen Dank!"

Jule B., Forchheim
"Seit einem halben Jahr bin ich dank Ihrer Datenbank als regionale Interviewerin bei einem großen deutschen Marktforschungsunternehmen tätig. Hierbei verdiene ich sogar recht gut! Ich wünsche mir, dass auch andere diese Chance erhalten!"Nadine A., Dortmund

"Ihre Angaben sind grundsolide und vollkommen realistisch: Sie versprechen nichts, was Sie nicht halten könnten – anders als die Anbieter von MLM-Geschäften mit ihren überzogenen Teilhabe-Kosten."

Jörg P., Wien
Es gibt zahlreiche Unternehmen, welche bereit sind, Sie für Ihre Meinungen zu entlöhnen und sie richten sich dabei ganz nach Ihrem persönlichen Zeitplan. Die Zahl solcher Meinungsumfragen und Forschungen nimmt übrigens täglich zu.
Damit Sie von diesen Unternehmen Umfragen erhalten, benötigen Sie Zugang zu den Marketingunternehmen, welche Sie für Meinungsumfragen entlöhnen.
Das ist der Punkt, an dem ins Spiel kommt. Bezahlte Online Umfragen hat nämlich bereits Zeit und Geld investiert, herauszufinden, welche Marketingunternehmen für ihre Online-Umfragen entsprechend entlöhnen.
Unser Umfragenführer bietet Ihnen:
  • Eine Liste mit Unternehmen, welche Online-Umfragen in Deutsch anbieten.
  • Eine Liste mit Unternehmen, welche Online-Umfragen in Englisch anbieten. Wenn Sie also zusätzlich Englisch sprechen, können Sie noch mehr profitieren.
  • Detaillierte Anweisungen, welche Ihnen helfen werden, einfach und schnell Geld mit Online-Umfragen zu verdienen
Sehen Sie hier wie viel Geld Sie mit diesen Umfragen verdienen können
Wenn Sie an 2 Umfragen pro Tag teilnehmen, erhalten Sie 10 EUR pro Umfrage. Dies ergibt ein Total von 140 EUR pro Woche oder 560 EUR im Monat, 6,720 EUR im Jahr!
Wenn Sie an 4 Umfragen pro Tag teilnehmen, erhalten Sie 10 EUR pro Umfrage. Dies ergibt ein Total von 280 EUR pro Woche oder 1,120 EUR im Monat, 13,440 EUR im Jahr!
Wenn Sie an 8 Umfragen pro Tag teilnehmen, erhalten Sie 10 EUR pro Umfrage. Dies ergibt ein Total von 560 EUR pro Woche oder 2,240 EUR im Monat, 26,880 EUR im Jahr!
Einfacher gehts nicht – einfach anklicken und fertig!
Alles was Sie tun müssen um Zugang zu diesen Marketingunternehmen zu erhalten und um baldmöglichst mit dem Geld verdienen anfangen zu können ist, bei den Umfragenführer für nur 29,90 Euro anzufordern.
Nach Ihrer Bestellung können Sie den Umfragenführer direkt vom Internet auf Ihren Computer herunterladen und sich bereits innerhalb von wenigen Minuten für die ersten Online-Umfragen anmelden.

Payoneer Review – International Business Payments

Getting paid and making  payments internationally can suck. I should know, because that’s how I’m always getting paid! There are lots of options that vary in cost, timing, security, and ease of use. Here are some of the solutions I’ve recently looked at when exploring international payments:
  • Your bank (wire transfers)
  • PayPal
  • Transfermate
  • Payoneer
  • Merchant processors (credit card)
  • Bitcoin
Today I’ll be talking about Payoneer. Here are the two main features they provide:
  1. Global mass payments for online marketplaces: They allow you to pay a bunch of people online. Think companies like iStock, Eleance, 99 designs, AirBNB that need to pay their freelancers/contractors. The draw of the Payoneer service is that these companies can pay lots of people internationally for apparently no cost (I say apparently because I haven’t dug into this area deeply).
  2. International money transfers for SMBs & Professionals: You can get US and EUR collection bank accounts (even if you’re not in those countries) so that you can get paid as if you lived in them. It’s also the second part of the equation to the global mass payments solution, since payment receivers will need a Payoneer account to collect their funds.
I won’t be delving into the global mass payments for online marketplaces, but instead will be talking about the international money transfer solution. I’m here to dig into the nitty gritty and show you what it takes up to get set up with Payoneer, how it works, and how it compares against other payment solutions.
At a quick glance, the solution seems great. Payoneer provides you with a virtual US (US account and routing number) and/or EUR (European BIC and IBAN number) account, so that you can get paid as if you were a local. You can withdraw the funds via a Mastercard debit card or to your local bank. It’s also supposed to be more affordable than PayPal.

Getting Set Up

To start with Payoneer, you’ll need to put down a $29.95 annual fee. It’s not really that much money, but it may be a bit of a stumbling block for businesses that are used to going with online providers like PayPal, Stripe, or Square, where no upfront (or ongoing) fees are required.
When I signed up, I received the Payoneer Mastercard debit card in the mail, and then I used the Payoneer website to activate my card. The process was a bit confusing for me, as I thought the site was asking for my local bank account information, rather than the details on the Payoneer Mastercard debit card that I had just received.
The card acts like a credit card, except that you need to have funds on the card for it to work. In other words, you need to have funds in your Payoneer account to use it. When you receive funds into your Payoneer account, you’ll be able to access them by using this card.

Getting Paid

There are two main ways to get paid:
  1. Via your Payoneer account
  2. Via US Payment Service (ACH) or EU Payment Service (SEPA)

The easiest and cheapest way to receive funds is from another Payoneer account holder. They can send a transfer to you near instantly and for free (funds are available within 2 hours of initiating the transfer). It works just like sending PayPal funds between friends (free and instant as well). There are limits on the amount you can transfer, however (minimum of $20, maximum of $1,000). The catch to this is that both parties need Payoneer accounts with money in them (I’ll talk about funding your Payoneer account shortly).

These limits seem rather low to me, and would cause some friction if used as a tool to transfer money in all but the smallest of businesses.
The second way is to get a payment via the US or EU Payment service (SEPA). I’ll just describe the US Payment process here. If you’ve ever paid someone via ACH (US direct deposit or US bank transfer), well, it’s the same thing. Payoneer gives you some bank credentials and you pass that along to the business that wants to pay you.
I’ve only tried this twice. The first time was unsuccessful (I can’t confirm whether this was user error on the payer side or an error with Payoneer) but the second time was successful, using’s vendor payment functionality.
The unsuccessful first attempt may have had something to do with type of payments that can be made. Only ACH is accepted, wire transfers are not.
Payments to the US Payment Service must be made from a US company and can only be made via ACH transfer. Wire transfers and payments from individuals are not supported.”
Getting paid via the US Payment Service (ACH) costs 1%, while via the EU Payment Service (SEPA) it is free.

Withdrawing Funds

There are two ways to get your sticky hands on your money:
  1. Mastercard Debit Card
  2. Local Bank Transfer
The Mastercard Debit Card works, as far as my tests have shown, like any Mastercard credit card would. That’s pretty convenient and doesn’t cost anything (provided you’re purchasing in USD).
I tested to see if I could access the Payoneer bank feed with a cloud accounting product such as Xero. It is possible to set up a bank feed in Xero with Payoneer as the bank accountThat’s the good news. I tried the same thing with QuickBooks Online (QBO) and it doesn’t have Payoneer as an option. Since Xero’s bank feed is provided by Yodlee, Payoneer should be available in most other cloud accounting software bank feeds as well (Yodlee is the main provider for bank feeds, with the notable exception of QBO).
Now, the caveat with the Mastercard debit card is that ATM withdrawals do cost money. It’s $3.15 per transaction (and the ATM may tack on an additional surcharge). Since it’s an ATM, I believe there are probably limits on the funds you can withdraw. One workaround to ATM fees that Payoneer suggests is to pay for items with your Mastercard debit card and ask for cash back (which apparently does not incur fees). For business accounting purposes this seems like a bad idea to me.
For local bank transfers, fees vary depending on your country. Unfortunately, you can’t learn about these fees until you have an account and have enough for the minimum withdrawal amount ($200 was the minimum for my Canadian and Japanese bank account tests).
The time it takes to verify your local bank account can vary. My Japanese bank account took a few days to verify, whereas my Canadian bank account only took a few hours.
The time it takes to transfer funds to your local bank funds can vary as well. It takes 1-3 business days for local bank transfers or an estimated 3-7 business days for wire transfers. If you tack on the fact that you need to wait some time to receive the funds initially via the US or EU Payment service, you’re probably looking at about a week until you get your funds. Of course, if you receive funds via someone with a Payoneer account and you spend it using your Mastercard debit card, you can be spending your cash within a matter of hours.
Both the Mastercard debit card and local bank transfer methods are also subject to a foreign exchange rate charge. I think this is where Payoneer is really making their bread and butter. They claim the rate varies between 2% and 2.75% above the official mid-market exchange rates. So, if you’re using this service because you’re not in the US, that’ll be a significant currency exchange hit. However, if you’re using this card within the US, or to pay for items in USD, this will be of no consequence to you.

Adding Funds

As far as I can tell, you can’t really load funds into your Payoneer account yourself. This is unlike PayPal, which both lets you add funds to your account, and more importantly, pulls money from your account when you need to make purchases. This is something that PayPal can instantly do, which makes it easy to shop using PayPal. With Payoneer, however, you need to have funds in your account, received through the course of business activities.
That being said, they do have a load payment service that you can use (but you need to contact support to turn on this feature). This is mainly designed to allow you to accept credit card payments (there’s an ACH option as well, but I don’t see how this is different that then US Payment Service).
Accepting money via credit cards can incur a fee of up to 3.75% and takes 2-3 business days. The ACH bank transfer service costs 1% and takes 5-7 business days (and is only available for US accounts).
For either method, the loader decides who will pay the fee (loader or recipient).

While technically you’re probably able to self-load payments, you’ll be paying a fee and will need to wait a few days to get your funds.


While Payoneer may be suitable for online freelancers, I’m not too sure about Payoneer for regular businesses making and receiving international payments. I have a few concerns about the service.
Support worries me. For example, I sent in a request to turn on the load payment service and received this email in response:

Three business days! I haven’t seen a message like this in a long time.
For an online company, there are still lots of manual verifications to go through. Whether it’s sending in documents to set up the accounts or requesting access to additional features (which must be done through support tickets). I would have thought anything you need to do could be done via the single web interface. I had to sort through various areas and sites and hidden F.A.Qs to research this article. I don’t know if the average person would have the same tenacity that I do.
It was a challenge for me to gather all the information in this article and I’m still not sure it’s 100% right. There’s lots of documentation all over the place and it seems that pricing varies depending on how you signed up, how you receive your funds, and how you’ll withdraw your funds. I get that a global business can’t have a flat rate, but better transparency would be greatly appreciated, and perhaps some case studies or an online calculator that could help you figure out the costs as well. I’ve been researching PayPal, and I know their fee structures can also vary, but I think the core fee structure of PayPal is fairly straightforward to understand. Also, setting up and using a PayPal account can all be done without any manual processes.
Payoneer’s list of services overwhelms me:
  • Withdraw to Bank Service
  • Global Payment Service
  • Card to Card Service
  • Bank Transfer Service
  • Credit Card Loading Service
  • Mass Payout Service
  • US/EURO Payment Service
When Payoneer told me about their services, they pitched it as a better value proposition than PayPal. Currency exchange is roughly the same as the standard rates that PayPal or banks would offer. So for withdrawing your money to a foreign currency, I don’t think Payoneer is any better.
For receiving funds, Payoneer may provide an advantage.
PayPal takes a big cut when receiving funds (1.9% to 2.9% plus $0.30), even if funded by a bank or PayPal balance, unless the funds are sent via a PayPal Business Payment. This is a program that is only available in the United States and allows the customer to pay an invoice via eCheck or their PayPal Balance. I’ve only seen this available in conjunction with online invoicing services like FreshBooks, Zoho Books, and Harvest. The cost is only $0.50 (which is great!). But the point I’m making about Payoneer is that you can receive funds outside of the US as if you were in it. If you were in the US, you would just get a US bank account and receive ACH payments directly, and you wouldn’t really need a service like Payoneer.
I should note that there is a PayPal friend/family transfer option where a customer sends the money to you as a friend/family, thereby waiving seller protection. The cost can range from a fee inside the US to 0.5% to 4% outside the US. You’re not allowed to do this as a business though, but I thought I’d mention it for those who may need to transfer money for non-business reasons.
If you recall, the fee to receive funds via ACH in the US is 1%. This is better than PayPal’s standard rate (1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30). So yes, Payoneer wins if a customer is willing to pay via ACH.
What gives me hesitation with Payoneer though, is that PayPal is the most popular online payment service and I think the majority of people trust it. Saying pay me via PayPal is easy, and the customer can pay via credit card, their bank balance, or their PayPal balance.
I can see situations where Payoneer would be a good choice, but I think you’d have to be a specific type of business for it to fit your needs.


Piano practice can be fun too!..

Most people don’t really want to ‘learn’ to play the piano or ‘practice’ the piano, they just want to ‘play’ piano. ‘Play’ sounds like fun, ‘practice’ sounds like a chore. We get this image from childhood – some kid stuck indoors ‘practicing’ scales while all the other kids are outside the window ‘playing’.

So, first thing we need to do is to see our piano practice in a new light. See it as a way of accelerating the learning process so that SOON you’ll be able to ‘play’ piano and play it well. If you don’t practice and you just play old familiar tunes you move rather slowly. Yes, you’ll get better at playing those old familiar tunes but technically you won’t be pushing yourself to greater heights.
Proper, structured piano practice helps you stride forwards. I say ‘proper’ because a lot of people have an idea that practice IS just playing songs over and over. Practice needs to involve unchartered territory. The golden rule is – ‘practice what you CAN’T play, not what you CAN play’.
First of all, work out what you want to achieve. Do you just want to know all your chords without thinking about how they are formed – then work out a practice routine that leads to that goal. Maybe you want to learn about inversions or chord substitution – again, make the practice fit the goal.
Split your practice session into two halves. In the first half play the difficult stuff – your mind is sharper to begin with – then reward yourself with some enjoyable but reasonably difficult tunes. Make sure you are comfortable. Many a bad back has happened because of a bad piano stool at the wrong height. Make sure your piano is in tune. If you don’t have a good piano and are serious about learning GO BUY A GOOD ONE.
Every fifteen minutes stretch your arms and shoulders and roll your neck to combat stiffness. Check out some Yoga exercises for shoulders and back.
Follow the 3 times daily rule. Repetition in practice is ESSENTIAL. If you find something particularly difficult make sure you practice it at least 3 times every day. Don’t worry if it takes months to master – you’ll get there.
Don’t play for the neighbours. Practice piano at a time when you don’t care who is listening so that you can make lot’s of mistakes and play things over and over. Organise your piano music carefully – don’t keep it in a heap where you keep playing the ones on top. If you download sheet music put it in a folder. Have plenty of shelves near the piano. Be realistic – I truly believe that anyone can learn piano and learn it to an enjoyable level but no two people are alike – some are more ‘naturally’ gifted than others. If you have an average ability then it’s all down to practice. The more you practice the more you learn.
Now and then, practice with your eyes closed – or don’t look at the keys – this really sharpens you up. Organise your life so that practice is possible (this where Mindfulness comes in). Too many people think they don’t have time to practice when really they just haven’t found the time. How long should you practice – that’s up to what you want to achieve. You don’t have to be a concert pianist. Even if you just play for yourself just enjoy that. The archer who’s mind is on the prize cannot stay focussed on the target. Accept the bad days when it seems like you can’t play a note. Sometimes it’s better to walk away. So remember that ‘playing’ piano and ‘practicing’ piano are different. Which do you do? Aim for a bit of both.

Which is better.. Keyboard or Piano?

Real pianos are great but the one big drawback is you can’t turn the volume down so with a piano you tend to end up playing for the neighbours. With a keyboard you can stick on some headphones and play whatever turns you on – you can experiment, make mistakes and sound silly and play something a thousand times without driving other people nuts.
Ideally – have BOTH!
If you are buying a piano it is preferable to buy an overstrung piano not a straight strung! How to tell: Lift the top lid of the piano you should see the tuning pins at the top of the piano. If the tuning pins are evenly spaced along the pin block and the strings are all parallel and vertical this is a straight strung piano. If there is a group of tuning pins at the left and a separate group at the right and the strings cross over in a X shape this is an overstrung piano. Also get a tuner to check it out. I bought a piano once that needed to have the wood treated because all the pins (that tighten the strings) were coming loose very quickly after being tuned – disaster!
What Keyboard should you choose?
A lot depends on what you want. Do you want a keyboard that sounds and feels like a Piano – then you’re looking for a keyboard or Digital Piano with WEIGHTED keys. Listen carefully to the piano sound – don’t be bamboozled by all the other buttons. If you want something portable then you are looking for a keyboard. Personally I would still look for one with weighted keys – I hate the feel of light plastic keys.
Get a keyboard with at least 61 keys – anything less and you will be craving for more keys after a few days. Also make sure get a sustain pedal, a keyboard is absloutely a dead thing without one. Without a sustain pedal as soon as you lift your finger off a key the sound stops dead – with a piano at least the strings vibrate for a second or two – the difference is quite noticeable.

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A Complete 360 For My Life

I was ready to give up. My business had been running on fumes for months, and I couldn’t afford to even pay my rent, let alone the one employee I had. I was running a small Public Relations consultancy, and things just weren’t going well. We’ve been losing clients, and even my sole investor pulled out. I used almost all of my remaining savings to keep the business alive, but there was little hope. I had little hope.
  Then I came across the Instant Switch. I don’t know what came over me, but I bought it and started reading. I was always skeptical of these things, but I guess at that point, I was looking for a miracle. God knows, I needed one. I remember making the purchase and thinking that this probably won’t help me get out of the hole I’ve dug for myself. I mean, can you really instant switch a dying business into a successful one?

Of course you can’t. But what this book did for me was something even better than some miracle cure for my PR firm – it changed my mind. And I don’t mean in a figurative, decision-making sense either. In the Instant Switch, Sandy talks about something called neuroplasticity, and how it was possible for the brain to actually, physically change the brain. The resulting change stretches the mind to get results. Results like wealth, and success. I learnt how to control my brain plasticity and realized that it was my complete choice. How I feel, how I react, is not controlled by my clients or my investor, or even the state of my business. I started looking at all the positive things in my life. I was 30 years old. I have experience in PR. I wasn’t bankrupt – yet.

This revelation changed my life.  Like Sandy said in Chapter 1, I realized that the diamond necklace was indeed around my neck. It wasn’t out there, in a place I can find. The greatest prize I needed, had always been inside.  I was looking externally for a solution to solve my problems, trying to find new clients, and attending networking events in hope of land an investor or two. I thought those things were the diamonds that I needed.
  At that time, I was so sure that my entire reality was bleak and hopeless, and I was a failure. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! All I’ve been seeing is “no”, a perpetual sea of no, no, no. My life was exactly how Sandy described it. It was time to start switching to “Yes”. I also picked up the “Mirror” technique from Chapter 3, and I must say, it has led to so much personal growth to me. I don’t want to give away too much, but it involves doing something a little… unorthodox. But take my word for it… It definitely works. My self-esteem, confidence and zeal in life skyrocketed. My life turned a complete 360 degrees. What I loved about the Instant Switch is that it wasn’t all dry techniques. Sandy uses a lot of her personal experiences to relate back to the techniques she’s trying to get across, and that really made the book so much easier to digest. There’s also very little confusing jargon for me to get through, which helped in understanding every single technique being taught.

Speaking of techniques, it was a pleasant surprise to discover that there was really nothing complicated involved in transforming myself, in transforming my brain. Most of what Sandy advocates are small, almost negligible changes in a person’s every day routine, which is great because some techniques I’ve read in other books recommended such stark changes that no one would realistically be able to immediately apply to their lives.

The Instant Switch is definitely something I would recommend to anyone who seeks a better life. Having applied the techniques that Sandy put forth in the book, I found a new lease on life. I got myself a new job that’s giving me a ton of experience and a stable (and significant) income. I found someone who’s truly been a blessing to me. At the risk of sounding like a cliché, Sandy really changed my life for the better through the Instant Switch.

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A Complete 360 For My Life

I was ready to give up. My business had been running on fumes for months, and I couldn’t afford to even pay my rent, let alone the one employee I had. I was running a small Public Relations consultancy, and things just weren’t going well. We’ve been losing clients, and even my sole investor pulled out. I used almost all of my remaining savings to keep the business alive, but there was little hope. I had little hope. Then I came across the Instant Switch. I don’t know what came over me, but I bought it and started reading. I was always skeptical of these things, but I guess at that point, I was looking for a miracle. God knows, I needed one. I remember making the purchase and thinking that this probably won’t help me get out of the hole I’ve dug for myself. I mean, can you really instant switch a dying business into a successful one?
Of course you can’t. But what this book did for me was something even better than some miracle cure for my PR firm – it changed my mind. And I don’t mean in a figurative, decision-making sense either. In the Instant Switch, Sandy talks about something called neuroplasticity, and how it was possible for the brain to actually, physically change the brain. The resulting change stretches the mind to get results. Results like wealth, and success. I learnt how to control my brain plasticity and realized that it was my complete choice. How I feel, how I react, is not controlled by my clients or my investor, or even the state of my business. I started looking at all the positive things in my life. I was 30 years old. I have experience in PR. I wasn’t bankrupt – yet.
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This revelation changed my life.  Like Sandy said in Chapter 1, I realized that the diamond necklace was indeed around my neck. It wasn’t out there, in a place I can find. The greatest prize I needed, had always been inside.  I was looking externally for a solution to solve my problems, trying to find new clients, and attending networking events in hope of land an investor or two. I thought those things were the diamonds that I needed. At that time, I was so sure that my entire reality was bleak and hopeless, and I was a failure. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! All I’ve been seeing is “no”, a perpetual sea of no, no, no. My life was exactly how Sandy described it. It was time to start switching to “Yes”. I also picked up the “Mirror” technique from Chapter 3, and I must say, it has led to so much personal growth to me. I don’t want to give away too much, but it involves doing something a little… unorthodox. But take my word for it… It definitely works. My self-esteem, confidence and zeal in life skyrocketed. My life turned a complete 360 degrees. What I loved about the Instant Switch is that it wasn’t all dry techniques. Sandy uses a lot of her personal experiences to relate back to the techniques she’s trying to get across, and that really made the book so much easier to digest. There’s also very little confusing jargon for me to get through, which helped in understanding every single technique being taught.
Speaking of techniques, it was a pleasant surprise to discover that there was really nothing complicated involved in transforming myself, in transforming my brain. Most of what Sandy advocates are small, almost negligible changes in a person’s every day routine, which is great because some techniques I’ve read in other books recommended such stark changes that no one would realistically be able to immediately apply to their lives.
The Instant Switch is definitely something I would recommend to anyone who seeks a better life. Having applied the techniques that Sandy put forth in the book, I found a new lease on life. I got myself a new job that’s giving me a ton of experience and a stable (and significant) income. I found someone who’s truly been a blessing to me. At the risk of sounding like a cliché, Sandy really changed my life for the better through the Instant Switch.
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Sciatica SOS Review: Your Guide To Eliminating Sciatica Pain In 7 Days Or Less – Guaranteed!

If you’ve spent time researching sciatica cures, you’ve probably already heard about Sciatica SOS™ – a treatment program that guarantees to eliminate pain in just 7 days.
But what’s included in the program? And can it really resolve your pain that quickly?
I spent some time researching Sciatica SOS™ to find out the truth. Here’s what I found.
Overview of Sciatica SOS™
Sciatica SOS™ is a program created by Glen Johnson – a former sciatica sufferer whose pain became so bad he couldn’t even do the grocery shopping…he had to rely on his wife to do all the work.
After years of struggling with pain that was becoming increasingly worse – and trying every conventional treatment, such as pain medication and regular visits to a chiropractor – Glen realized it was time to try something new.
That’s when he was introduced to a different way of treating sciatica by a family friend. The treatment, originally developed in Ancient Nepal, gave Glen almost instant pain relief. And within five days, his sciatica pain had disappeared completely.
In Sciatica SOS™, Glen reveals the exect treatment program so you can follow along and achieve similar results.
What’s Included in Sciatica SOS™?
The course starts with a useful section explaining the most common causes of sciatica. It also helps you identify the underlying reason for YOUR pain.
This is essential because there are many potential causes of sciatica, and they need to be treated differently (this is also a big reason why Googling generic treatments doesn’t work and will likely make your sciatica worse).
Once you’ve completed this section, the real meat of the program begins. Glen guides you through each of the following types of treatment, and tells you exactly which to use depending on the underlying cause you discovered earlier:
  • Home remedies (page 26) – seven of the most powerful remedies you can make at home to eliminate sciatic pain.
  • Exercise program (page 29) – specific exercises to resolve any underlying cause of sciatica.
  • Sleep therapy (page 62) – an essential, but often overlooked, component in treating sciatica.
  • Diet (page 64) – simple, easy alterations you can make to your diet to quickly resolve pain and prevent sciatica from returning.
For most people with sciatica, these four treatments will be enough to resolve pain quickly. But for those who need a little extra help, there are also advanced sections about “Trigger Point Therapy” and how to “Reorganize Your Skeletal System.”
Does it Work?
At this stage, you’re probably thinking that the program sounds powerful – but can it really work?
I don’t blame you for being skeptical. I was too. But that’s when I started to read some of the success stories with the program – and the transformations are incredible.
Here’s an example from Jane Eddington, Minnesota:
“Thank you so much for this Glen! After 3 months struggling to get a good night’s sleep due to the pain, I was searching online to see if there was something out there that could help as pain killers and NSAIDs just weren’t cutting it.
 When I ran across your site my first thought was it sounded too good to be true, but gave it a try anyway seeing that you had a money back guarantee in place.
I could hardly believe it; literally the next day the pain was gone and I was able to get a proper night’s sleep. You’re a life saver.”
And another, from Michael Pierce, Ireland:
“I can’t thank you enough Glenn!
I was a sciatica sufferer for years and had wasted thousands of dollars on all kinds of therapies and medications, from epidural injections to chiropractic treatments. I’d get temporary relief but after a few days the pain would be back.
It had gotten to the point where tying my own shoe laces had become a pain-staking 10 minute task.
A friend of mine sent me a link to Sciatica SOS on Facebook and barely 5 days later the pain was gone completely and I have my mobility back. One month later I am still completely pain-free. This should be a must to anyone with sciatica.”
These are just a few of the success stories – there are many at the Sciatica SOS™ website. Click here to check them out.
Conclusion – Is Sciatica SOS™ worth buying?
Sciatica can make even basic tasks such as sleeping or unloading groceries painful. It’s also a condition that the medical profession often doesn’t take seriously – which can be incredibly frustrating for those affected by it.
Glen understands these frustrations, and has designed Sciatica SOS™ to provide rapid pain relief without dangerous medicine, expensive treatments or hours of therapy.
The program also doesn’t rely on covering up pain or temporarily reducing it. Instead, the four treatment sections are designed to eliminate sciatica permanently.
My opinion? This is an excellent program that is a bargain at this price.
In fact, if you’re suffering with sciatica pain, I recommend purchasing Sciatica SOS™ today and trying the program immediately. If it works– great! And if it doesn’t, Glen offers a full money-back guarantee for 60-days, so you have nothing to lose. So don’t delay another minute to benefit from this amazing offer!

7 Deadly “Texting” Mistakes (and how to avoid them)

One of the most frustrating things is when you get a woman’s number (and she seems to be totally into you) … But then after a few texts she seems to list interest, fizzle out, or go cold.

The natural reaction is to blame the woman. “She’s a flake…”
But if you do that, you could missing a giant crink in YOUR GAME that is easier to fix than you think.
In fact, if you’re like most guys than you’re probably just making one (or a few) of these common ‘texting’ mistakes that will kill your chances with a girl.

==> New video: 3 Texts To Turn Her On and Get Her Out

The 7 Deadly Texting Mistakes

Mistake #1: Confusing Responses for Attraction

Before you’ve had your first date with a girl, she won’t  feel much of a connection to you. As unfortunate as it may be, you’re probably not the only guy texting her.
See, a common mistake most guys make when they’re texting a girl is that they mistake responses for attraction. Often when a guy is getting a response from a girl, he believes that he’s getting closer to getting her on a date or to seducing her.

The exact opposite is true!
The more texts you send before meeting up with girl means the less of a chance you have of actually meeting up with her! That’s right: even if a girl is RESPONDING to your texts, you’re not getting yourself ANY closer to actually getting her out on a date.

Instead, say more with less. Whenever you’re considering what to text a girl, see if you say it simpler, with less text. Most guys send pointless texts to women like, “How’s your day?” or “Enjoying the warm weather?” These texts DO NOT bring you ANY closer to a woman! They just beg for a response (which doesn’t mean anything).

To make sure you NEVER again waste texts on pointless chatter, ask yourself this golden question:
How is this text bringing this girl and I closer to a date?
If your answer is simply “to get her to know her better,” erase the text. It’s not going to help you.

==> New video: 3 Texts To Turn Her On and Get Her Out

Mistake #2: Not Conveying “Fun”

Here is the simple truth. When a woman gives you her number she is NOT signing a social contract to go out with you…
And until it seems FUN for her… she’s probably not going to bother meeting up with you.

So when you send boring texts that don’t display any personality or don’t elicit any emotions in her… in her mind you’re not worth the trouble of meeting up with.
Here are some signs you’re NOT being fun.
- Am I being stiff and formal “Hi. It was nice meeting you friday”…. (too stiff. too formal)
- Am I putting pressure on her to keep the convo going?
- Am I badering her with question?

Remember, every text you send should make you seem likethe FUN OPTION. The escape from her boring day.

Mistake #3: Not Having a Texting Style

If you’re texting an attractive woman chances are you are NOT the only guy she is getting a text from today.
Hate to break it to you.
But between other guys pursuing her, ex boyfriends,  co-workers, classmates, and so on… she’s got a lot of guys vying for her attention.

So if you want to stand out- your texts need to display your unique style and personality.
She should be able to know its a text from you just by reading it (even if the name was blocked)
What words, phrases, punctuation, or emoticons are uniquely yours?

Mistake #4 Having Long Text Conversations

Text conversations are NOT the same as actual conversations.
Texting should be the “Super cool” cliff notes of a normal conversations. Meaning leave out the formalities.
The longer the conversation the more chances to mess things up or run into akward confusion.
Everytime you pick up the phone… jump right into the good stuff. Start with anectdote. Start with a teasing nickname. Find a way to quickly spark an emotion and get her paying full attention to you.
In this new video just released I explain how you can (and should) accomplish everything you need to accomplish with just three simple texts.

==>watch the video

Tomorrow I’ll be back with three more of the common texting mistakes men make.
In the meantime, check out the video and learn how you can turn a woman on, and get her out on a date with a simple sequence of texts called: The Key Lock Sequence.

Clickbank Produk Review: Get Your Kidneys Working Better!

Clickbank Produk Review: Get Your Kidneys Working Better!: Did you ever think you would have someone tell you that you can reverse kidney disease or improve impaired kidney function? Well ... I’m ...

The Real Cause of Infertility

Infertility can be defined in two ways: as inability to conceive after a year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception, or as repeated ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages or perinatal loss. Male and female specific factors account for about 30% of the infertility causes (individually);the combination of male and female causation leads to an additional 20% and the remaining 20% are caused by uncertain origins.

When one is dealing with infertility, as much as it is important to strictly follow the rules of the treatment, it is equally important to make sure that you have the correct diagnosis of the root cause of your condition. In this article you will find a broad outline, enumerating the various probable causes of infertility.

Why it is important to determine the causes.

Infertility may be caused due to a multitude of factors at a time, or it may be the result of perhaps the deviation of a certain single factor from its premeditated path. Since misdiagnosis can often lead to further fertility complications, the very first step of treating and curing infertility depends largely on indentifying the root cause right in the beginning of treatment.

The broad causes of infertility in females may be listed as follows:

  • Anovulation: In females, ovulatory problems are the most common causes of infertility. The failure to ovulate may be due to a number of factors:
  • Hormonal imbalance is the most frequent cause of anovulation; when the ovaries produce immature eggs, pregnancy becomes impossible.
  • Women with polycystic ovaries suffer from a decreased secretion of FSH and increased secretion of LH and testosterone; therefore polycystic ovarian syndrome may lead to anovulation in women.
  • Approximately 20% of the cases of infertility occur due to the malfunctioning of the hypothalamus, the gland which controls hormonal stimuli, resulting in immature eggs. The pituitary gland is responsible for the regulation of LH and FSH, and its malfunctioning produces immature eggs.
  • o Damage to the ovaries caused by previous surgeries, ovarian cysts, tumors and infections may lead to production of immature eggs as well.
  • Premature menopause and follicular problems are also responsible for anovulation.
  • Improper functioning of fallopian tubes: Viral and bacterial infections of the fallopian tubes are the primary cause of their malfunction.

Appendicitis and colitis are abdominal problems which lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes. Tubal damages may also be caused by previous surgeries, which render the tubes incapable of passing eggs. Ectopic pregnancy, which occurs within the tube, is a potential threat to life that also causes tubal damage. Congenital tubal defects are rare, but not impossible to come across as causes of infertility.

Use of drugs: Smoking, drinking and using other drugs have been known to decrease the chances of getting pregnant.

Problems in the Immune system: This problem includes autoimmune reactions in the body and the creation of antisperm antibodies which exterminate sperms. Natural killer cells, which when present in excess, can damage the embryo in the uterus. The antinuclear antibodies cause inflammation of the uterus when present in excess. The presence of antisperm antibodies in the female's body kills off the sperms before they can fertilize the egg.

Although the causes of infertility are many, they are fairly easy to overcome, especially when diagnosed in the early stages. Using a holistic approach, comprising of the prescribed medicines, following a healthy diet, regular exercise, abstinence from alcohol, nicotine and other drugs, stress management, acupuncture etc. guarantees positive results. Due to the complex and multifactoral nature of infertility, the problem can be solved permanently only by dealing with it in the holistic way, which tackles all the root causes of this condition rather than focusing on specific triggering elements.

This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website:[VISIT NOW]

Doctors Reversed Diabetes in Three Weeks

Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine are revealing the truth about diabetes that has been suppressed for over 21 years.

Last year they helped over 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring. 

This year they're on track to help over 30,000.
In just a few weeks, 96% of their patients are able to stop ALL diabetes medication and insulin injections.

No more neuropathy pain, pricking your finger, or the need for expensive medication.
Learn about this groundbreaking new research here

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Program Review: Children Learning Reading

Is the development and education of your child important to you? And have you been searching for a program that will help you teach your child to read, but spending hundreds of dollars on unproven programs just doesn't make any sense to you? I can understand your frustrations, as I've been through much of the same experiences myself...
Recently I came across a step-by-step program that helps parents to easily teach their children to read. The wonderful thing about this program is that as long as your child is able to speak, it will help you teach your child to read fluently. I had some doubts initially when I saw that the program claimed that even 2 and 3 year old children can be taught to read effectively; however, my doubts were quickly put to rest when I saw their video proofs of small children reading.
The authors of the program, Jim and Elena, had developed their Children Learning Reading program, and then used it to teach their own children to read before turning 3 years old. They showed various clips of their young 2 year 11 months old daughter reading, and I was quite surprised to see how capable their daughter was at reading by the time she was just a little over 3 years old. I did not expect to see small 3 year old children capable of reading children's books! Here's a video for you to see:

Who Is the Program Designed For?
The Children Learning Reading program is designed for parents with young children between the ages of 2 to 6 years old. It is designed to teach toddlers and small children to read effectively. One important thing to keep in mind is that this program is not designed for extremely young children, or children who have not learned to speak yet. However, if your child has learned to speak, then you can use this program to teach your child to read.
The central goal of the Children Learning Reading program is to help your child learn to decode printed text quickly and learn to read fluently through the critical process of developing phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is arguably one of the most important aspects of learning to read, and becoming a fluent reader. Children who lack phonemic awareness typically have reading difficulties, and end up being poor readers. Jim & Elena's Children Learning Reading program is an extremely simple, straight forward, and step-by-step program. Their program includes simple exercises and practices starting with the very first lessons that work to help your child develop phonemic awareness, and learn to read. Clinical studies, and even the National Reading Panel has stated that helping children develop phonemic awareness is one of the most effective ways to teach children to read.
How Does the Children Learning Reading Program Work?
The program is designed to be taught to your child in two stages, and each stage comes with it's own instruction book and step-by-step lessons. Stage 1 helps your child develop all the important foundational skills of learning to read and read fluently, while stage 2 lessons deal with slightly more advanced lessons helping to greatly advance your child's already impressive reading skills developed from stage 1 lessons.
There are 28 lesson in stage one that are smoothly laid out to teach your child starting with the building blocks of reading printed text. The alphabet letters and sounds are introduced to your child in a stepped, sensible, and intuitive order through the 28 lessons. Very simple words and blending exercises are introduced very early on, and more complicated words, sentences, stories, and rhymes are slowly introduced with the lessons as your child progress. By the time you complete stage one lessons with your child, your child will have already developed superb reading skills that sometimes leave you even surprised and amazed.
Once you complete stage one, you can move on to stage 2 lessons, which involve teaching some more complicated matters dealing with reading. There are 22 lessons in stage two. One of the main focus of this stage is teaching your child letter combinations or also known as digraphs. The words, sentences, lesson stories, and rhymes here are more advanced, and work to greatly increase your child's reading skills and reading fluency.
The one thing that really struck a chord with me about this program is that it doesn't force your child to explicitly memorize any phonics rules! Being parents, I'm sure you can imagine how difficult it would be to have toddlers and young children memorize rules to reading! The wonderful thing about Jim & Elena's Children Learning Reading program is that throughout the entire program, your child learns to read, and develops phenomenal reading and decoding skills without memorizing any phonics rules. This is why their program is so effective at teaching children to read.
Another huge plus of this program is that the step-by-step lessons are designed to be quick and effective. Each lesson typically takes no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and some lessons take just 2 or 3 minutes to complete. As you can imagine, with the short attention span of small children, short lessons like these will be much more effective and productive than long, drawn-out lessons. To teach your child to read, all that you need to do is follow the lessons step-by-step, and spend 5 to 10 minutes each day consistently teaching your child to read. In just 12 short weeks, you will be extremely pleased that you have taken then time and effort to give your child the most important skill in life - reading.
The Children Learning Reading program gets my 100% recommendation.

Get Your Kidneys Working Better!

Did you ever think you would have someone tell you that you can reverse kidney disease or improve impaired kidney function? Well ... I’m telling you ... you can!

It’s terrible when you feel like you have no hope of living a fully active, healthy life ... and when you suffer from kidney disease, impaired kidney function or uncontrolled high blood pressure (which affects kidney function) ... you can start to feel pretty desperate about ever feeling normal again.

I’m hearing you. I was horrified when I discovered how many people suffer from kidney disease in the United States – and some of them don’t even know they’ve got it – till it gets critical ... that is, they end up in the hospital emergency rooms, feeling like they are dying. In fact, the National Kidney Foundation says that 26 million Americans have kidney disease ... that’s 1:9 adults in America have kidney disease.

And ... it can be avoided in the first place ... and in the second place it can be reversed permanently.
Read what these people have done with their lives after following a special program to heal their kidneys.

“I was really shocked to find my kidney function down, and my sugar and cholesterol levels very high. I followed a very precise diet for 6 weeks taking into account your Kidney Solution references! My sugar levels have already come down and I have lost weight. Plus even my Doctor wants me to maintain this regime.” Ellen Fielder, Singapore

“I was thrilled to notice I began to feel better within a couple of days. I told the nephrologist about this, but he had never heard about anyone getting cured of ESRF, but he assured me that I would begin to feel much better immediately after fitting the dialysis catheter. He had never heard of anyone going off dialysis. So I told him that he should read up on what Naturopaths are doing. The bottom line is that I am getting set up for dialysis right away, but as soon as my blood work shows that my kidneys are up to par I am going to get the catheter removed. I am feeling considerably better today after only being on your course for only about ten days.” Stephen Pepler (81), Ottawa, Canada

“My kidney function was at 9% (stage 5) ... I was dialyzing Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I didn’t want a kidney transplant ... Within 7 weeks my kidney function went from 9% (stage 5) to 16% (stage 4) and ... dialyze Tuesday and Saturday ... [to] off dialysis [within months]!” Charbel (age 24), Sydney, Australia
“I was diagnosed with stage 4 chronic kidney disease with renal anemia secondary to hypertension. The feeling that there’s hope after all the advice that I will not be well was overwhelming. [Now] my Creatinine is down by 25 points and my RBC went up to 13 points. Aside from that I have lessened my skin dryness, improved my urine output and color, lessen urine bubbles, lessen lower back pains, and lessen the feeling of exhaustion. I increased my energy level; sometimes I still feel energized at night after hours of working and driving to and from the office.” Archie de Chavez, Manila, Philippines

Read their full stories here  ... you’ll cry with relief ... when you feel hope returning to your life, too.


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